Thursday, June 30, 2005

Go West!

It’s been a rainy day in the small town of Humpolec. I am getting packed and ready for a big travel day to Mennigem, a small town outside of Munich where my friend Cathrin lives. We were friends at Willamette University in Oregon when she was a German TA there for a year, and haven’t seen each other since I graduated.

This is a picture of David at a beautiful castle in Telc...

I’ll stay for just a short while and then get to the Swiss Vipassana center to serve a ten day course— this will be very nice :). It’s amazing how distracted and noisy the mind gets in the world, and how limited modern society understands, let alone tries to care for it. It’s like when it gets too noisy and wild we try to drown it out with yet greater noise and wilder distractions, and trying to push it down we give it so much more strength. Such madness! May true wisdom arise everywhere…

And here's a shot of David's children deciding to pack it in...

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