Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hit the Road, Jack

After some nice summer days it's back on the road. My mom and I will take a small trip to attend another meditation course-- this time she'll be serving and I'll be sitting.

We had an early frost this year, meaning that the garden gave notice to stop producing. But there was some good news in all this... it meant that the tomatoes weren't going to get any riper. Not only is this fortunate for those of us who don't like ripe tomatoes, but it also meant that we had scores of green totatoes we didn't know what to do with. So my mom spent a day pickling them, and if you've never had homemade pickled green tomatoes, you're missing out! It was a day long process but made more than a dozen jars. We also had some fried green tomatoes, but I think the recipe used might need a little refining...

I am about fully prepared now for my SIT Teacher Training course in Chicago in October, and I'm happy as well to check out the Illinois Vipassana Center before and after. I had wanted to do my second course in Bangkok, but I just found out that it won't start until March. So I might try an earlier one in Northampton or Costa Rica... on verra.

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